What is a shampoo bar ?

A shampoo bar is a bar of soap that can be used to wash your hair. Our shampoo bars are thoughtfully formulated to cleanse you gently and effectively. Our special formulation provides conditioning as well and so there is no need for an extra bar that is dedicated to that purpose. Because shampoo bars are soap, they have a pH of 9. This alkalinity is what allows for soap to effectively clean. Water is naturally a pH of 7 and so the small shift of 2 degrees in pH allows for a gentle cleanse. Rinsing really well after using a shampoo bar is very important and so always rinse, rinse, massage and rinse again. Take your time and if you feel that you need and extra cleanse, it is ok to repeat this process.

Pro Tips:

1) For added manageability and extra shine, make a dilution of raw apple cider vinegar with filtered water. Use 2 tablespoons with 14 to 16 oz. of filtered water and add this to a spray bottle to apply to hair after your shower or can be used as a rinse in shower to seal your hair cuticle and help with detangling. This process shifts the pH of your hair and brings it back to a balanced state. The pH of most water is 7 and the pH of hair is between 4.5 and 5.5. By using this apple cider vinegar dilution, we can shift the pH of our hair back into its balanced natural range.

2) Use hair friendly oils such as Sunflower Seed, Argan, Grapeseed, Extra Virgin Coconut, Jojoba (technically a liquid wax) Almond or even Hemp Seed as a light hair dressing or use in larger amounts as a hair moisture mask right before you shower or bathe.

3.) Don’t shampoo too frequently. Sometimes life requires that we shower more often and that’s ok, do a hair mask to add some moisture back and show your hair some love. However, when you can skip a day or two, your natural oils are the best nourishment for your hair and scalp health. Here is a DIY recipe for a dry shampoo that can help control the oiliness until your next cleanse.

1/2 cup arrowroot powder

2 tbsp bentonite or kaolin clay

1 tbsp baking soda (make sure its Aluminum Free)

You can add up to 20 drops of calming hair friendly essential oils if you would like an aromatic effect.

Lavender, Cedar, Rosemary are some very scalp and hair friendly essential oils.

You can add cinnamon, cocoa powder or even a sacred seven mushroom powder to add a deeper shade to the base if you are a brunette or have darker hair.


Our awesome Organic Oils.